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Victor Seymour Infants' School

The Overarching Curriculum

At Victor Seymour Infants’ School every child’s learning experience is paramount. Teaching staff are here to provide challenging, fun and inspiring learning and we place great importance on a curriculum which develops the whole child. We encourage and support every child to reach their full potential and do this by developing confident, independent learners who can make choices and have a thirst for learning.  

Our curriculum is planned and delivered to include coverage of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum and provides a range of experiences for our children. Our curriculum is designed to challenge, engage and motivate with the ultimate goal that our learners progress academically, personally and socially and become successful, confident individuals, who make a positive contribution to the community and society - both now and in the future. 

The Subject Leaders at VSI strive to keep each area of learning up to date in line with government curriculum developments as well as incorporating current local, national and international events and celebrations woven into the teaching and learning. 

If you have any skills or expertise in any curriculum area - for example you play an instrument, you are an artist, you work in the public services - that would enrich and complement the children’s learning experiences please contact the school office for volunteering opportunities. 

If you require any further information please contact Mrs Tillyer Curriculum Lead on 020 8647 9800 or email the school office.

Forever Learning:  Limitless potential for every child.